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Transform Your District  with National Board Certified Teachers

Unlock the best PD linked to the National Board Standards for your teachers.



I’m so glad you are here. I’m Tracey Bryant Stuckey, a master NBPTS coach, specializing in creating transformational professional development programs around the process of National Board Certification. No better investment has ever been made than that of increasing teacher effectiveness through analysis and reflection of one’s practice while developing portfolios for the NBPTS process. 

With my systematic approach and live support through Think Tanks, candidates submit confidently. Teachers deserve to stand out as truly exceptional educators when they earn National Board Certification. I’ve been coaching teachers to earn this honor for decades. I’m excited to help your educators with their NBPTS Initial and Renewal certification!


 What is the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards? 

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), commonly referred to as the National Board, is an independent, nonprofit organization that aims to advance the quality of teaching and learning. It accomplishes this by:

  • Developing Professional Standards: The National Board establishes high and rigorous standards for what accomplished teachers should know and be able to do in various subject areas and at different developmental levels.
  • Certifying Teachers: It offers a voluntary certification process for teachers, which is recognized as a mark of excellence in the teaching profession. This certification process involves a rigorous, peer-reviewed assessment that includes teaching portfolios, student work samples, videos of classroom teaching, and thorough analyses of a teacher's practices and impact on student learning.
  • Advocating for Education: The National Board works to shape education policy and advocate for the professionalization of teaching, aiming to ensure that every student has access to highly qualified teachers.
  • Supporting Teachers: Candidate support providers, like Tracey Bryant Stuckey, work in partnership with the National Board to elevate the teaching profession and improve education for all students.
Offer financial support for teachers to Become National Board Certified

CLICK HERE to see what the cost is for a teacher to work through the process and to receive quality professional development that impacts student learning in a big way.


Build Teacher Capacity with meaningful professional development

Hear how Tracey works tirelessly to support teacher capacity through the NBPTS process. Her courses & workshops are like no other when it comes to building reflective practitioners within the field of education.

Understand & Promote the national board certification process

CLICK HERE to learn more about the National Board Certification process and how it will impact your students' learning plus develop your teachers' skills in a more impactful way.

Have Questions?
Click Here to Contact Us

Initial Candidate Programs and Workshops


MOC Candidate Programs and Workshops


Ready to help your teachers grow big?


Use this letter to applaud the work of amazing teachers at your school or in your district.  It is a way for you to invest in their growth while also helping them stand out in the crowd.

Note: You have permission to change the letter in whole or part as you see fit for your needs.

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